Membership Information

Interested in Joining Us?

If you would like to join the band, please fill out the form below for more information. We will contact our directors and section leaders to see if we have available space and get back to you.

Please include:

  • What instrument(s) you play
  • What instrument you would like to play
  • A brief summary of your experience
    • Level of music education
    • Groups you've played with
    • How recently you've played with a group

2023 Schedule

Rehearsals (7:30PM) and Board Meetings (6:30PM) are held  Monday nights at the Westerville Central High School band room except as noted below. 

  • Monday, 1/30/2023, 7:30pm, rehearsal at WCHS  for 3/12/2023 Youth Concert 
  • Monday, 2/6/2023, 7:30pm, rehearsal at WCHS for 3/12/2023 Youth Concert
  • Monday, 2/13/2023, 6:30 pm board meeting and 7:30pm Rehearsal at WCHS for 3/12/2023 Youth Concert
  • Monday, 2/20/2023, NO REHEARSAL, President's Day 
  • Monday, 2/27/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS for 3/12/2023 Youth Concert 
  • Monday, 3/6/2023, 7:30 pm Rehearsal at WCHS DRESS Rehearsal for 3/12/2023 Youth Concert
  • Sunday, 3/12/2023, Middle School Student rehearsal 12:30PM - 3:30PM, WCB Call time 2:30 pm, Youth Concert start time 4:00PM at WCHS
  • Monday, 3/13/2023 NO REHEARSAL, Board Meeting 7:00 pm, Zoom invites will be sent to Board members
  • Monday, 3/20/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring Concert - Sight read music for Spring Concert
  • Monday, 3/27/2023, NO REHEARSAL, Spring Break for Westerville Schools
  • Monday, 4/3/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring concert - 1st woodshedding rehearsal
  • Monday, 4/10/2023, 6:30 pm board meeting and 7:30 pm Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring concert - 2nd woodshedding rehearsal, 
  • Monday, 4/17/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring concert - 3rd woodshedding rehearsal
  • Monday, 4/24/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring Concert - Final woodshedding rehearsal
  • Monday, 5/1/2023, 7:30 pm, Dress Rehearsal at WCHS for Spring Concert
  • Sunday, 5/7/2023, 1:30pm call time, 3:00pm Spring concert at WCHS
  • Monday, 5/8/2023, NO REHEARSAL, Board Meeting 7:00 pm, Zoom invites will be sent to the Board Members
  • Monday, 5/15/2023, 7:30 pm, Rehearsal at WCHS, sight read summer concert music
  • Monday, 5/22/2023, 7:30PM, Rehearsal at WCHS for Summer concerts


    Rehearsals are held 7:30pm Monday nights at the Westerville Central High School band room unless one of the following occurs.

    • Monday after a concert, unless otherwise announced.
    • Westerville City School District cancels classes due to weather. NOTE: Westerville Schools may cancel classes but still have "afternoon" activities. We will meet if we can get in the band room.
    • Westerville City Schools are closed for a Holiday
    • Holiday and/or summer break (check schedule)

    If you are going to miss a rehearsal, please notify someone in your section -- preferably the section leader. If you have a folder that is also used by another member, please make arrangements for the folder to be at practice.

    Concert Dress


    Black dress pants, black socks, dark shoes (dark brown or black); black dress jacket/sports coat, white dress shirt, black BOW tie.

    Red bow ties are worn for the Holiday concert.


    Black dress; black skirt (must be below the knee); black pants, black blouse (no light colored blouses); black nylons or black socks, black shoes. No color accents, please, on your clothing (ie., color fringe or hem stitching, appliques etc.).

    Holiday scarf/jewelry may be worn for the holiday concert.

    Summer Uniform

    Our Summer Uniform consists of tan khaki pants, red Westerville Community Bands polo shirt and dark shoes. Women are welcome to wear tan khaki skirts (must cover your knees when you sit) if they wish.

    No shorts!

    The red Summer Uniform shirts are $30 and can be purchased at rehearsals from Cheryl Briggs in the flute section. The shirts include the Westerville Community Bands logo embroidered on the front.